KAUFMANN Patent and Trademark Attorneys
Always up to date

PatentsTrademarksDesignCopyright and Competition Law


Patent fee reduction

since April 2024

30 % reduction of fees for micro-entities

European Patent Application

Microenterprises (less than 10 full-time employees, maximum annual turnover of EUR 2 million), non-profit organisations, universities or public research organisations receive a 30 % fee reduction on a number of official fees for European patent applications if the frequency of patent applications is low.

IP funding

IP vouchers for small and medium-sized companies

EU funding program

Ideas Powered for Business SME - SME fund

As part of the SME fund, the European Union reimburses official fees for intellectual property rights:
· 75 % for trademarks and design at national and EU level
· 50 % for trademarks and designs outside the EU
· 75 % for patent fees at national and european level
as well as reimbursement of attorney fees for European patent applications amounting to 50 %.

European Unitary Patent

since June 2023

The new patent system in Europe

Unitary Patent & Unified Patent Court

The Unitary Patent soon offers simultaneous protection in currently 17 (later up to 25) participating countries of the European Union (including Germany, France and Italy). The Unified Patent Court will combine the current competences of many national courts in patent matters.

Design Protection in China

Effective protection against plagiarism

International Registration of Industrial Designs

Hague Agreement and Hague System

From May 5, 2022, international design registrations are possible for the People's Republic of China. With the International Design Registration you can now reach all major economies, e. g. Europe, USA, China, Japan, etc., with a single central design application.

Client Information

Exclusively for our clients

We provide regular information on new and interesting topics in the flied of intellectual property protection.

Interest? Then request our client information. 

KAUFMANN Patent und Trademark Attorneys - Office Lichtenstein -


Pestalozzistrasse 40B
09350 Lichtenstein/Sa.


Tel.: + 49 (0) 37204 91 03 19
Fax: + 49 (0) 37204 60 10 30

© 2024 KAUFMANN · Patent und Markenanwälte · Patent and Trademark Attorneys · Lichtenstein